速報APP / 生活品味 / Daughters of Destiny

Daughters of Destiny





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Daughters of Destiny(圖1)-速報App

Daughters of Destiny (DOD) is an Interdenominational Fellowship for women, charged with a vision to raise women as intercessors for the family and Nations borne out of the divine instruction to gather women to obey the call in Jeremiah 9 verses 17 and 20. The fellowship was formally registered in 2007.

Daughters of Destiny(圖2)-速報App

We believe that a prayerful woman is a warrior on behalf of and an asset to the family and the nation. There is a God given ability in every woman to travail and bring forth…. Women have wombs naturally and carry visions AND BIRTH Destinies.

Daughters of Destiny(圖3)-速報App

At DOD we inspire, encourage, and teach women how to achieve their God ordained destinies and to maximize their potential. We believe prayers must be backed up by purpose and vision must be followed up by venture.

Daughters of Destiny(圖4)-速報App